Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I was doing so well with this blogging thing until, well, vacation.  In fact, vacation really messed up a lot of stuff, like my diet/eating plan, my weight, my residence, my home...my life is in upheaval.  I have so much going on, yet I feel like I have nothing to say.  I am trying to force this blog entry, but I am not feeling it.

I am accomplishing a lot here.  (In the process of changing around a good portion of our home, I am cleaning out and organizing a lot here!)  Maybe I am just too tired to think about recounting this in a colorful manner.  Maybe another day...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back Again

After 2 1/2 weeks of travel (and virtually no time online), I am trying to catch up on everything here, including my new-fangled regular blog presence.  I have much to say about our trip, and I have a list of new projects that I want to complete.  I definitely need to prioritize, for I currently feel like nothing is getting done.  Of course, that is not true.  I exercised today.  I made dinner for my family. I worked a 4-hour shift.  I paid bills online.  It's just those extra projects I haven't gotten to.

I probably need to schedule some time for them, like an appointment.  I can't guarantee that I will keep them, but it's an effort in the right direction.  Maybe I will even include some blogging time for the vacation recap!