Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It's raining here in the usually sunny city of Colorado Springs. I believe they estimate that we have about 300 days of sunshine each year. I wouldn't doubt it, either. It's truly beautiful here. So it's really okay when you have an afternoon sprinkle or the occasional downpour, like right now. Sure, it's been raining and hailing for the last hour and it's June, but today was a beautiful day in the 80s. Can I really complain? It's nowhere near as formidable as WI.

Ah, WI...again my home in just 3 1/2 weeks. I know there's some really nice things about the state, but they really do have some nasty rainstorms. I happened to encounter one of the worst I've seen last year when we were on vacation there. Unfortunately I was viewing it from the tiny enclosure of our van as I desperately tried to drive back to the farm from my sister's house. Note, I drove into the storm. I never would have left in it the way it was.

The TV stations were flashing weather alerts at the bottom of the screen, so I thought it would be smart to get going before the rain came. Alas, I did not make it back to Bob's parents' before it came rushing on. The wind was so strong I could barely stay on the road. The rain fell so thickly I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of me. Stoplights and city buildings might have made things a little better, but I was on a deserted county road, praying for dear life harder than I have ever prayed before, and that's saying something!

I finally made it to an intersection with a gas station and pulled over, literally shaking. I called Bob and let him know what was going on and that I would not be heading out again until things settled down a bit. While I did have to drive through rain to make it back, it lightened up enough to feel somewhat safe.

Honestly, this was one of the most terrifying experiences I can remember. (I've been hit head-on by a drunk driver, but I don't remember a thing!) Anytime it starts raining and I'm out now, I get nervous. Maybe I sound like a wimp, but I have never felt so small and helpless in my life. I don't want to experience that again, not here, not in WI. I will definitely be more careful about going out in rain in the future. Thank God I have a caring husband who was willing to go pick up my daughter from church tonight, or I'd be driving in this madness right now. I pray they make it home safely!

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