Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello again

Reading my dear friend's first two posts have prompted me to once again check up on my own blogging efforts. Imagine my surprise to realize what a pinnacle I had been standing on at the point I last wrote. I remember those feelings all too well...

You see, it was then that I had finally made the decision to seek the assistance of Overeaters Anonymous for my seemingly endless struggle with eating. I had had a gnawing feeling for quite awhile that my struggles with food were actually way deeper than a propensity for sweets. I knew I had to find a way to freedom and healing, once and for all.

That Sunday, the pastor at our church, who'd been in a series on sexual purity, spoke on pornography and sexual addiction. While this isn't my specific area of struggle, I could still relate all too well to the mentality of the addict as he described it. I remember that he ended the service by talking about the necessity to find help. wherever that may be. I spoke so deeply to my heart that I determined to do two things: consult a counselor through work, which offers employees 3 complimentary visits each year, and go to an Overeaters Anonymous (OA) meeting.

It was uncomfortable, to say the least, but I did it. I was wrapped in emotional turmoil for two days straight, and I binged out of control as I reeled with emotions I didn't know how to handle. My poor family dealt with my lashing out until Tuesday evening, when I finally made my way to a local meeting. I was so anxious. Then, I entered the room and was welcomed with open arms. I daresay that I doubt I have been so unconditionally accepted even in a church.

That first night, I sat and listened as others shared of struggles they faced that sounded like they had been looking into the innermost parts of my heart and mind. I found great comfort in knowing that I am not alone. In the end, I felt comfortable enough to share myself, and I wasn't judged one bit. While I felt a gamut of emotions that night, the one that most stands out in my memory is relief.

I left that meeting, knowing in my heart that I had found the help I had been looking for. It has been just over 4 months since then, and while it has not been easy (and I didn't immediately drop 50 pounds), I am finally finding healing! Imagine my amazement in discovering a deeper relationship with God through a so-called secular organization! However, when the premise of a group is that we realize that we can't recover without the help of a loving God, how can we not draw closer to our all-powerful Creator?!

So what has happened this past 4 months, and why have I been absent from my blogging efforts? Well, I have started my 12 step program. I am currently over halfway through, thanks to the help of my wonderful sponsor! I have made a habit of re-establishing daily devotional time, something I have struggled to do all of my life. I have discovered some of the deeper aspects of my history, my personality, and my character that have molded me into the person I am today. I have found forgiveness--for those who have wronged me as well as for myself and my faults. My life has gone from being self-absorbed to looking to others and more importantly, to what God is directing me to in my life. I can honestly say that I am maturing as a person and growing in my walk with Christ. To also speak honestly, I will not lie and say that my food troubles are gone. I have given in to temptation; I have responded inappropriately to stress by seeking comfort in food. With God's grace, however, those "slips" are becoming less and less, and I am committed to eating healthy for life.

I am also committed to a weight loss journey, as I recognize that I am not at a healthy weight. Do I know where this journey is destined? Not exactly. I wish I had a specific number, size, or time frame, but that just isn't life. I DO have goals and will work to the best of ability, with God's help, to achieve those. I am definitely on the road to recovery, and I can't wait to see where it leads!

P.S. Another amazing and fantastic part of the changes in my life include returning to school. I have been accepted to Liberty University Online to pursue a bachelor's degree in Psychology. Enough of my credits transfer to label as Junior! Of course, I will have to also get my master's and doctorate to be a full-fledged psychologist, but that is my intent at this point. Classes start for me on October 25!

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