Sunday, April 24, 2011


I had surgery 2 days ago.  Oh my.  It is never fun, and this is no exception.

My surgery was scheduled for noon on Friday. I had to be there at 10 am, so Bob dropped me off a few minutes before.  Prep was routine, and I even got to read quite a bit in my textbook for school.  I was super tired. They gave me a light sedative as they were preparing me for surgery, and I don't remember a thing after that.  I think I just fell asleep!

My next recollection was my groggy waking up--with a massive pain in my chest.  This was a pain I recognized all too well as an esophageal spasm.  I told the nurse what was going on, so she was dealing with that on top of trying to handle the usual side effects of waking up from anesthesia, what with the nausea and vomiting.  Unfortunately for me, I don't do well with anesthesia, and the spasms irritate my digestive system even more.  I was bound to puke!

Thank God I had my medication recorded on my forms, since I had recently dealt with the spasms and had a  prescription filled for dicyclomine.  The nurse, Jeanne, did her best to take care of me in a timely manner.  While it felt like forever, we did finally get the medication I needed, and my pain subsided.  Throughout the ordeal, as I prayed and begged God for relief, my mind was flooded with His Word.  I claimed each promise and knew He would bring me through this trial.

At this point, the only thing really hurting was my throat from the tube that had been down it and the lack of water I had had for the last 12+ hours.  I tried to slowly sip my water, knowing too much would make me vomit again.  I finally made it to the place where I could go back to my original room.  I rested there for another hour or so and even had some graham crackers and apple juice.  Best tasting graham crackers ever!

Bob picked me up around 3:45 pm, and we headed home.  I still had no pain in my bottom whatsoever, but we dropped off my prescription for Percocet anyway.  Boy, am I glad that we did!  I was fine all evening and starting to think that this may just be an easy recovery after all.  I even woke up the next morning with just some stiffness and tenderness.  By the time we finished breakfast, however, I could barely move!

And it's been that way for the majority of the last 24 hours.  The Percocet helps, and I can move around better with it.  I just get stiff and sore being in any position for too long, including lying down.  I was hoping to be able to go to church this morning--it's Easter--but there's no way I'd make it through the service, let alone the drive there and back.  That's a bummer, but the kids are playing with the Nerf guns I bought them for Easter. (I know, I know, really "Easter-y.")

I go back and forth on thinking that I will be okay with working on Tuesday.  I sure hope so.  I also go back and forth on how I will get through school this week.  I finished last week early so I wouldn't have to worry about it, but time keeps on going.  I start a new week tomorrow, complete with my research paper due.  (3 more weeks--I can do this!)

I am currently typing at the kitchen counter.  Standing is more comfortable than sitting, but I do get tired easily.  I need God's strength to get through this, and I am glad to have my family's help as well as the meals from some caring friends.  My butt is swollen. (I always wanted a rounder tush, but not like this!) In fact, I feel swollen all over.  I am trying to remember that this too shall pass.  For now I am just hanging on!

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