Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Road Trip Jitters

I have been working a lot of extra hours lately, which means I have been sitting a lot.  I have also been experiencing quite a bit of discomfort in my bottom.  NOT a good outlook.

We have 3000 miles of driving coming up in the next 2 weeks.  That's, um, a bit overwhelming for the healthy bum.

I have to remember that it won't be all at once, that we're dividing it up into 6-7 hour chunks.  I have traveled like this before; I can do it again.

It doesn't mean I am entering this lightly.  I certainly am loading up on things like ibuprofen.  There will be a good pillow with me on the trip.  I also will be relying on my wonderful husband and his willingness to drive.  God's grace.  I should certainly rely on God's grace through this.  I know I can get through this with His strength.  I know it doesn't mean no pain, but I know it means I will have strength to make it through.

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