Sunday, June 5, 2011

Old Habits...

Old habits die hard, and they sure sneak up on you if you are not careful!

I am not happy to admit that my old habits--eating too much, consuming way too many sweets and other junk, eating in the evening--have snuck up on me.  This week has spiraled out of control, and I wouldn't doubt if I have lost the ground I had made.  Bummer.

Why?  Now, that is a good question.  Why would I regress to my prior bad behavior when I desperately want to progress into a new lifestyle?  I worked so hard.  I gave up so much!  Why throw it all away so easily?

Well, I do believe it all started last weekend when I decided to go thrift shopping for some clothes for vacation.  Once I started buying clothing last fits now, I subconsciously resigned myself to the weight I am at now.  In fact, I gave up on losing any more and relaxed my diet to the point of not caring what I ate. 

I don't think that I really realized this until later in the week, but I didn't do anything about it.  I don't know why. 

I do see my folly now, and I am committed to starting anew, not because I plan to lose 10 # in the next 2 weeks, as great as that would be, but in order to live a life of self-control and submission to God.  I want to exhibit restraint and moderation, not excess and over-indulgence.  I want to eat well now, so that I am in the habit on vacation.  I don't want to be out of control and making poor choices then.  More than anything, I want to be following God each day, walking in the Spirit and living a life of freedom and grace.

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