Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Old Blog Posts

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Forgot to mention... my ultrasound is scheduled for May 21st, 3:30 pm. And I continue to wait...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I don't think I have written anything about my job recently, but that doesn't mean that things have not been happening. Life at work has been in an absolute uproar lately.
I guess it started w/ me realizing how difficult my current job was getting. I talked to a friend at work, and she agreed to help me put together a resume so that I would be ready when positions opened up w/in the facility.
So, a week and a half ago, I discreetly approached a woman who had an opening in her department, only to find that it was already filled. (It was then that I got the resume thing going.) To my surprise, last Monday I was approached by a different director w/ a job proposition. After expressing my interest, she kind of said that it was pretty much mine, except that she had to leave it posted until Fri, per corporate. So, I approached my director and, w/ much guilt, shared w/ her the possibility of me leaving her department to move up at work. (The new position would be a pay raise, as well as a little easier on my pregnant body.) She handles it w/ much dignity and reassurance that she did, in fact, want what was best for me, not just her department. So, while she started considering replacements for me, I patiently (sort of) waited for Friday.
Now, in the meantime, other things began to happen. Wednesday night, one of our girls was in a car accident on the way home from work. Thank God, she was okay, but she would be out through the weekend. So, Thursday morning, another coworkers had to take her place on our outing to Cripple Creek, a casino town up in the mountains. She drove the facility van, and I drove my van w/ the wheel chairs in it. We were not theremore than 30 minutes, however, when this other coworker felt dizzy and began to vomit. Long story short, she was "choppered" back to Colorado Springs to be hospitalized. As I was the only one left trained to drive the facility van, I was forced to do that, and one of the other employees along graciously drove my vehicle. We did not think that it was serious w/ our coworker; unfortunately, she is still in the hospital- 5 days later- and they cannot figure out what is causing the condition she has!
So now, our staff in our office is down 2 out of 5 people, not counting the director. Friday, the only two of us scheduled are both pregnant and are running our behinds off. Finally, about 1 pm, I get a chance to approach this other director regarding my new position. She regretfully informs me that she has an interview on Monday w/ someone outside our facility who supposedly has experience in this field. My hopes are somewhat dashed, but I decide to believe that if it is meant to be, it will be; otherwise, something better awaits.
Well, Saturday, I was supposed to cover for my hospitalized friend but woke up early that morning w/ a hideously raw throat! There was no way I could go and interact w/ people in that condition! I regretfully call my supervisor and leave three different messages. I did not hear back from her until that afternoon. I felt so bad, but she was not worried about it, so I let it go.
Then, Sunday's weirdness happened (see my last entry, "Serenity"). My throat is't getting better.
Monday arrives, and I go to work, even w/ me not feeling well. I want to find out what is happening w/ the job. I talked to the director , and she has not met w/ her yet. So, I do what I think is the most mature thing to do- I reassure her that I will understand if I do not get the position if the other person is more qualified. I feel that is only fair. I do not believe in hiring or promoting based on favors, likes, anti-discrimination (ex: he was a better choice, but she is a woman), or any other reason besides someone truly fitting a job and deserving that position. I went home thinking that I probably do not have the new job after all. (Did I mention that this would be particularly good for my current department as we were to lose one coworker to a CNA class for the month of May, and I had agreed to pick up extra hours to cover the majority of that?)
Oh, I also found out that tragedy struck again at work- not in my department, thank God- as a brother and sister who work there unexpectedly lost their mother. This was shocking, as she was only 51. It also meant that their 2 departments are short-handed as they will be dealing w/ their family's loss and grieving, understandably so.
We finally arrive at today- when I left at 1:20, I still had not heard anything regarding the position. She had not interviewed this other applicant, although I did tell her straight-forwardly that I am interested in the position but simply understand her job as a director and her responsibility to make the best decision for her department. I also agreed to furnish her with a written resume to confirm my qualification for the position. She was very pleased to hear both of these things, so I did leave that situation on a good note. As to my early departure, my throat contiued to worsen last night, which prompted a phone call to my OB. When I heard that strep was going around, I knew that I should be seen for a throat culture. I really did not want to pay for a Dr. visit, though. Then, on my way home yesterday, I began to have these horrible abdominal cramps on my right side. I agonizingly picked the kids up from school and promptly laid down when we arrived home. I made another call to the Dr in regards to this new development. They stated that it didn't sound pregnancy-related but could possibly be difficulty w/ my gall bladder or appendix, and that I should probably go to the emergency room. And the tears button was pushed. This was too much! I knew it wasn't my gall bladder as I had that removed years ago. I did not think it was sever enough to be my appendix as I recalled my brother's agony as he faced an appendicitis when in his teens. I decided to call the Dr. and make an appointment for my throat and try and wait it out on the abdominal pain. It did finally pass but was quickly followed by a fierce headache. To recap, I pretty much spent the entire evening on the couch. (WOW! Rabbit trail!)
Anyway, back to today... so my coworker is still in the hospital. I still don't know about this new job. Things are so uncertain. Did I mention that our receptionist did not show today? or call? And that even her husband doesn't know where she is? I am concerned for her as a person- she used to live a pretty rough life. It seems she has slipped back into that, and it can only mean disaster. She has most likely lost her job.
I did get to the Dr., and my throat culture was not strep. It was some sort of bacteria, though, so I was put on antibiotics. It could be worse... much worse. I think I can deal w/ this.
And if I wasn't surprised at all this going on, yet another surprise was in store for me... my boss called me. This is not too unusual, although I could not thikn of what she might be calling me about. Basically, she called to inform me that she is planning on going back to school for Massage Therapy- something she has discussed for quite some time- but cannot keep her current position. She then proceeded to suggest that i would be suitable to take her place. (pause.) Yes, she is basically offering me-and recommending me for- her job! Whoa! Now that would be a serious pay raise! Not that that is what it's all about. I would be able to stick w/ activities- which I do love- and not have such a physical job, and increase my pay! This is BIG! I have often thought about possibly doing her job one day- for a while, it felt like she was actually prepping me for it- as there is nowhere else to move up w/in this line of work, at least not at tihs facility. Again, there is no guarantee that the job is mine, but there is a good chance as I have a great standing there w/in my department and w/ in the building. My own director would recommend me, which says a lot, and would train me in the parts of her job I do not know yet. I do not want to count my chickens before they hatch, but I have been praying and trusting God to provide and open a door for us, and for me specifically. I will not count this as coincidence or chance. And again, if God has this place for me, it will work out. If not, he has something else. And that's that.
Sunday, April 29, 2007

I am going out on a limb here, so stick with me. I don't claim to be a prophet, but here goes:
Call me crazy, but I am pretty sure we are having a girl! I have been thinking about a girl more and had a list of possible girl names. Then, yesterday Maddie suggested the name "Serenity" for a girl, and it struck a chord w/ me, kind of how Madelene did w/ Bob when I suggested it. Well, then this morning I woke early thinking about the name and pretty much stayed in a half awake/ half dream state for at least an hour thinking about the name and what it means, how we need some peace and grace in our lives right now, and remembering the prayer of Serenity. I don't know if you are familiar w/ it- you have probably read it somewhere. It is fairly common. It goes like this:
God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
It was all very profound, and I finally got out of bed thinking a lot about it.
Well, by the time we went to church (11:30, late service :)), I had pretty much thought I was kind of nuts and was dismissing it. Then, the pastor starts talking, and his message is entitled, "A Stranger To Peace". I am intrigued and start thinking about peace and serenity. I think to myself, if he uses that word... Not 2 minutes later, not only does he refer to the specific word, "serenity", but he pulls out a copy of the prayer of serenity and reads it to everyone! I just about choked!!! The whole message was about having peace in your life by trusting God all of the time, even when things are rough, and that is exactly what I have been going through! I have also been praying and saying, "God, I trust you because all things are possible w/ you!"
Wel, I don't know about you, but I really don't believe in coincidences. This was too... right on to me! Maybe I am wrong- maybe we aren't having a girl- but it just really was overwhelming and confirming at the same time.
We will find out for sure within the next couple weeks as I will, this week, be scheduling my appointment for an ultrasound.
You know, even if I don't actually have a daughter and name her Serenity, I am comforted that God would speak peace , grace, and serenity into my life right now. As I said, I could really use it, with all of the uncertainties going on at the moment. I am waiting to find out if I got a new position at work- with a raise- and what my schedule is going to look like. I am anticipating summer and what that entails for childcare- we are currently planning on a day camp which would cover most of the summer. Bob is still waiting for what seems an obviously deserved raise. Of course, a baby's imminent arrival ranks high on the uncertainty list. It also brings with it questions of me returning to work full-time, part-time, or what. As I said, I have been praying, actually declaring as it doesn't feel easy right now, that I trust God and will continue to trust Him to lead and guide us, and to provide for us in every way.
Serenity in my life right now is welcome, no matter what form it comes packaged in!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I saw the Dr. again today. Everything is normal, and we heard the baby's heartbeat- and kicks- right away! That was pretty much it, although I will be setting up my app't for THE ultrasound in the next week, so I am pretty excited! Oh, the Dr. asked if I have felt anything yet, and I am not sure. I have felt something each evening for the last week, but it just seems so early that I am doubting myself. Plus, I am not feeling "butterflies" but light, well, kicks. I told the Dr. this, and she suggested that maybe I am having a soccer star! Shall I call him Pele? Hmmm...
Oh, names... here are a couple new ones, all girl names, I'm afraid. I truly don't have any prophetic revealings or anything.=)

LeLu Adriana
Violet Isabella
Zoe Lenora
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wow, my life just seems so crazy right now, and yet through all the craziness, I seem to see God's hand.
I had started looking at posted job positions at work as my own job is getting increasingly difficult on my expanding body. I am already moving slower, and when I am tired, it has been brought to my attention that I WADDLE. (UGH.) That should NOT be happening yet, but I cannot deny it. I watched my shadow wobble back and forth as I tiredly ascended the hill by my house at the end of a family walk last week. Anyway...
So I had started asking about positions opening at work, thinking I might find some relief in a desk job, not to mention a possible pay raise. I had not found anything, but i was okay w/ it. I had really been praying that God would provide for us financially and for me physically, whether it was through supernatural strength or a new position. I just kept praying, God, open a door...
Then, yesterday afternoon, I was called out of my office my the Therapy Director and OFFERED a job. I didn't even know it was available! The pay is better, the work is less physical (although there is some physical aspects to it, so I won't be stuck on my butt all of the time). It is in the same facility, so I don't lose my benefits. There's almost no weekends. Plus, the woman whom I would be replacing (who moved to a different position in the building) just had a baby back in December, so the director is totally willing to work around maternity leave!
The hardest part was telling my current boss. She has been so good to me, and we really have a camraderie (SP??) w/in our department, so I hated to let everyone down. However, my replacement just may be readily available also. The girl who trained me in my current position just came back after quitting to help her husband last summer. She went back to laundry, but I am almost sure she would rather be with activities. If she could replace me right away, I wouldn't have to worry about sticking either boss as my current was depending on me for May and the new one desperately needs me to start as my predecessor is already transferred.
So, needless to say, I am excited. This truly seems like an answer to prayer in many ways. I do not officially have the job until Friday, which gives me some time to tie up loose ends in my current position. I am trying not to be anxious, just thankful. At this point, I would be surprised if it all fell through, but I am sure that, even if it did, God would just have something better for me around the corner.
Monday, April 16, 2007

Okay, it IS in the water!!! I just found out today that TWO more friends are expecting!!! One is from work in my department, and the other is from our Bible study friends! Both have been trying for a while, so I am VERY happy for them!!! Another friend is due today- baby #1- and is not ready yet, well, at least her baby isn't. God knows she is!!! But she now knows the doctor will only let her go one more week, so that is encouraging! I loved truly having an end in sight! I mean, having a due date is one thing- it's a goal to aim for- but seeing the finish line is another level for sure!
My finish line seems so far away at this point, and I am already feeling it at work. I walk all day pretty much, and I truly get tired! I know the walking is good for me, but I don't know if I can manage to keep it up- and do my job well- for the next 5 months! I just found out about a position @ work that is opening up, and it's a desk job. I would miss the close contact w/ the residents, but I think I could do the job. Plus, I think I could work longer at it than trying to keep up on my current position. Also, I am thinking that it would be a pay raise, which is also welcome. And the fact that it is w/ the same company means my insurance would not be compromised. It sounds good to me, but I don't know enough about it yet. I am really trying to be patient and see if this is what God has for me- it seems like an open door- because I really do want to do what he wants. I really like activities, and I would hate to leave my current department as I love my supervisor and am good friends w/ the girls in my office, but I think looking into this is looking out for my best interests. I am pretty sure I would have to go to 40 hrs/wk, but w/ the pay raise, I think it would be worth it. Besides, Bob is behind it and says that he will help work out the kids before and after school plan as he needs to. His boss is in charge of their children's coming and goings as he works around his wife's schedule, so he is flexible w/ Bob on this- another plus! We'll see!
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Well, we made it. That's all I can say regarding our "vacation".
Don't get me wrong- it was really nice to see everyone, and we had some good times. But it was also rushed and tiring, etc. And everywhere I went, I felt like i could not give quite enough time!
And so I return home, after 16+ grueling hours on the road, exhausted and emotionally empty, to return to work because we have over-spent ourselves and are now going to have short checks on top of it. So, we will be scrimping and scrambling over the next month, trying to make up for our great "vacation"!
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Category:Writing and Poetry
We Remember The Little Things

Why is it that we always seem to remember the little things?

From your childhood, it's the one small toy, a brief snapshot from an indescript day, biting words a parent utters that were so flippantly said but seem to haunt without relief...

From your adolescence, it's the anxiety of loving your childhood yet longing for your freedom that adulthood brings or those awkward moments that seem to last a lifetime yet in reality sweep by so quickly...

When you fall in love the first time, it's the brush of a hand, a glancing look, that smile that reaches all the way down to your toes, or the way your heart flutters whenever that special someone walks in the room or even when their name is mentioned...

When you recall your children's beginnings, it's those little, tiny toes or that certain sound they would make or the funny words they used to say...

As you get older, it's not the lifetime achievements, the highest pinnacles reached, that seem to stick in your mind, but those little moments, those passing, fleeting memories, that always come back, to haunt you, to comfort you, to remind you, of what your life has truly been.
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Wednesday I had another Dr. app't, and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was high-160- so at first I was thinking "boy". But then Bob was remembering that both of our kids had high heartrates, so who knows?
It was pretty cool, too, because before we heard the baby's heart, weheard it moving! There were these big "whoosh" sounds, and she said that it was the baby moving around! It was really cool! Plus, Garrett and Maddie were w/ me, so they heard it all, too. That was fun to share w/ them, and it was fun hearing them describe it to their daddy.
Unfortunately, I wasn't too happy about my weight gain. It's like, I am terrified, but at the same time, I am not willing to do anything about it. I haven't been eating everything in sight, but I certainly haven't been prudent, either. I have been exercising regularly, and as I am feeling better, it is getting easier, which is good.
No new ideas for names, although i think about it a lot. I guess onceI can key in on girl names or boy names, it will be easier. Not that I am not including Bob, but sometimes I think, if it was only up to me, what would I name this child? I really like Violet for a girl, but I am starting to hear it more, and I am afraid it will become super popular like Maddie's name did. I really like Zane for a boy, but i keep hearing Wil (Wilhelm) in my head. Who knows? It might end up something totally different! I am open to suggestions and am hoping for inspiration to hit!
Friday, March 16, 2007

I am contemplating a haircut. i don't think it is a pregnancy thing- i am just sick of my hair! It is getting long- I can pull it up in a pony tail and have it stay all day- but it is just not quite as elegant as I imagine it should be! I adnit, I like a low-maintenance hair-style, but I don't want to live in a ponytail all summer! I really liked it how I had it last summer (remember, AnnaLisa?), but that was definitely a high-maintenance haircut! I am tempted to chop it all off, like I used to wear it. I got a lot of compliments back then. I am just afraid that it'll highlight the fact that I am getter fatter, or at least puffier, as my pregnancy progresses. (Just a thought- do you think my unborn child will be offended at this line of thought if he/she reads it in 20 yrs?)
Any ideas, I will welcome them, or any stunning new do's you think would look great on me!!! Thanks!!!

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