Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Who knew the effect a little confession could have?

I have been struggling with eating...whatever I grabbed, in the evening, even though I have been doing better during the day and exercising really hard. I don't know what compelled me to do what I knew I shouldn't do. I was trying really hard. I was praying each morning and throughout the day. But nighttime would come, and I would just ignore everything else.

Well, last week I read my friend's blog, and she used the phrase, "I don't eat ________." I was immediately convicted that I need to adopt the phrase and fill in the blank with the wording, "at night." In my zeal, I left a comment on her blog, admitting my shortcomings and proclaiming my intentions to adopt the phrase and renew my attempts. Amazingly, it has worked wonders! I have not snacked on junk in the evening once since then. (In light of full disclosure, I do have a snack each evening. I have found that I get very hungry--somewhat sick to my stomach--otherwise. In order to manage this, I have decided to eat a protein bar each evening as a moderate, yet filling, snack. I do go to bed hungry most nights still, but I am not physically in pain from it, so I deal.)

I am just amazed that such a small act on confession to no one in particular (I don't even know if anyone at all read my comments) has had such a profound effect on me. It makes me want to proclaim all of my shortcomings from the rooftops! Ok, not really. But I am so pleasantly surprised that I have been faithful in this small thing. I have also reiterated to myself the phrase, "I don't eat at night." It feels so good to have success with these simple parameters.

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