Thursday, May 26, 2011

Easing Out

Day 1, Ease-out
9:19 pm

My first day after my cleanse has been interesting.  I started with a big glass of water and then orange juice.  No salt water and no lemons or limes!  I progressed to watermelon and cantaloupe during the day and had a smoothie for dinner.  I was hungry all day, which was really weird!  I drank a ton of water.  I felt pretty good.

This morning, I read another encouraging section in Made to Crave.  This one talks about Karen Ehman's story about being discouraged about a measly weight loss one week after doing everything right.  She then felt God showing her that, when you make the right choices, you should focus on your obedience to God, not on the numbers on the scale.

So, I am rejoicing in my 4 pound weight loss.  I am focusing on honoring God with all I do, including what I eat.  I am excited about choosing good foods and about watching my portions.  I think God has good things in store for me, and I am excited to be a part of what God is doing in my life!

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