Friday, May 20, 2011

Hangin in There

Day 1, 6:52 pm

Well, I have made it most of the day.  I am a little hungry, but I do have one last cup of lemonade to drink still.  More than hunger, it's a little unnerving to have the family eating around me.  It's not horrible, but there's been a few times where scents have gotten to me, mainly the peanut/chocolate smell from Garrett's trail mix.  I also can make more lemonade if I feel the need. I am set up to consume the least amount recommended, and I cut the amount of maple syrup, which was recommended for weight loss.

I did have a mug of green tea an hour ago, which is also an option.  I think it will help as a filler, and it wasn't too bad without sweetener.  Considering how little I have consumed, I really don't feel too bad.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the thought of 9 more days, but I am trying to focus on the benefits.  At this point, it is more mental.  How embarrassing to admit that the thought of not eating for more than a week more has me a bit nervous.  Of course, that is a big reason why I am doing this.  I need to not be so driven by food!

Knowing that the 2nd and 3rd days are usually the worst is also a little daunting.  I need to stay focused.  I also need to remember that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13).

For now, I think I am going to get my last cup of lemonade.  Oh, I still have Chocolate Smooth Move for tonight!  I don't know whether I am excited or mortified.

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