Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Extreme Measures

It's really depressing to admit that I haven't lost a pound in the last 5 months.  Now, I have had my ups and downs, but the downs haven't surpassed the ups enough to get me anywhere.  I have tried a few plans, and even a few "unplans," but I just can't seem to stay committed enough to make any head way.

My latest attempt was to start a 2-day cleanse or liquid diet.  Well, halfway through the day and after some Internet research, I decided it wasn't really worth it because I didn't have the right ingredients.  I determined to pick them up and get started in a couple days. 

That was Monday.  Two days later and no money for groceries, I have lost my zeal for this drastic, 10-day cleanse.  It promises high hopes and fast results.  (Beyonce lost 20# in 10 days for her movie Dreamgirls.)  Ten days on liquids is pretty daunting, though.  True, it would put me in range to wear the summer clothes I desperately wanted to fit into before our vacation.  But how desperate am I, really?  Am I determined enough to make it 10 days w/o food when I can barely make it 1 day on a reasonable eating plan? 

I know I have got to give my struggles to God because I just cannot do this without Him.  I believe that it is okay to discipline oneself, to train for a season, even to limit one's consumption of food for different purposes.  Would the Lord bless my efforts to cleanse my body like this?  My reasons are 3-fold: to lose weight, to detox my system, and to get rid of my sugar cravings.  Is this reasonable?  Is this realistic?

Part B

So, writing about this endeavor spurred me on to go to the store to purchase aforementioned dietary items...but when the price for 10 days worth was looking like $120-160, I decided to reconsider.  After coming home and rechecking my amounts, I think I can get the cost down to about $60-65.  Now, I won't be consuming regular meals, so that's a savings of around $50.  This makes it definitely more doable.  Still, is this a wise choice, or would I be better off just changing my diet to a healthy, controlled plan designed for weight loss?

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