Thursday, May 19, 2011

Taking the Plunge!

Well, I did it!  After struggling to fall asleep last thinking about it, dreaming about it all night, and waking up contemplating it, I decided to commit to a 10-day Master Cleanse. *shiver*

After I recalculated my costs, I figured I could get the total cost to about $40, which is less than I would spend on groceries for myself.  That, I felt, was least, financially.  So, I made some phone calls and ran out today to collect my supplies. These include the following:

1 qt Grade B maple syrup (By far, my greatest cost but should suffice for my uses quite well.)
15 lemons (To my figuring, I will need 15 more, but I didn't want them to go bad.)
1 bottle cayenne pepper (More than enough, but I can use it for cooking afterwards.)
2 gallons of distilled water (A 4-day supply, but I can boil more water and refill my jugs.)
Chocolate Smooth Move tea (Dare I call this my splurge? I have tried the regular stuff, and it ain't great. So, I thought I would try the "yummy" chocolate flavor!)
Sea Salt (for the salt water flush...scary beyond belief!)

I am scared beyond belief, truly, but I am also excited.  I am wearing a "fat" shirt today, cuz it's not gonna fit much longer!  I am pretty sure time is going to slow down drastically, perhaps even stand still.  It makes me wish I had done this back when I was swamped with school--something to keep me busy!  I will be in training 9 hrs/day next week for four days, so that should help.  It also works out since I won't have a lot of time to devote to exercise those days.  (You can do light exercise while on the cleanse, but I don't see myself lifting weights or starting Zumba!)

My preparation has been a contrasting picture of me doing the "right things"--cutting out the caffeine and having cantaloupe for breakfast--and counting down the minutes--my "last supper" was BBQ pork, mixed veggies, and the biggest pumpkin bar you've ever seen.  I can literally feel the butterflies in my stomach.

I have only told one person outside of our household.  I only told her because she was texting me about going garage sale-ing tomorrow or Saturday.  While I thought that sounded fun, I can only imagine that I won't want to be out and about after my morning salt water flush...O dear God, what have I done?  Oh, she's also familiar with the Master Cleanse, went vegan for two years, and has a husband allergic to corn, dairy, and eggs. They are weird diet people who will understand!

I was going to tell another friend who has been a source of encouragement to me. In fact, we were discussing the merits of diets, training, and discipline.  She would understand, I believe, the benefits of such a strict regimen; I haven't talked to her all week, though.  Perhaps I can share when I have already experienced some success.

I am hoping, I am praying, that this will be a good experience, that I have great results on both the inside and outside of my body, and that I can truly reset my cravings to be for healthy food.  I do still understand that I need to crave God above all, and I am hoping that this time of fasting will serve as a spiritual building time as well.  It was not initiated for that purpose, and I openly admit that; it doesn't mean that it can't be used for spiritual renewal, too.  Many things in life have dual or multiple purposes--why can't this also meet many needs in my life?  In fact, this might be the best ten days of my life thus far!

I plan to journal this entire journey.  It seems too dynamic too miss out on every detail of this experience.  I intend to blog daily, perhaps even many times each day.  To ensure this is clear, I will label the start of each entry with the Day and time.  Thus, my journey begins...I go to prepare my laxative tea.

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